#29. What I miss after moving to Japan; Cinnabon


Well, there're so many yummy food that I enjoy here in Japan.

 I mean too many to name.


But there's some food that I miss from overseas where I used to live.

One of them is Cinnabon.

I grew up in the US when I was a teenager.

For me, Cinnabon is what I always eat at the mall.

But sadly, we don't have a shopping mall in my area as it's Tokyo city center.

So I need to walk up to the Cinnabon store in Roppongi.

It's so different if you know what I'm feeling.

I want to eat a Cinnabon at a mall, that's what I mean, haha.



I bake simple and healthier cinnamon rolls with the receipe I got from my Swedish friend.

He told me it's from his mom.

I like this kind as well. 


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